H ere are the main massage supplements used by massage therapists. Each complement aims to create a specific treatment in order to adapt the message to the client’s request.
A Access Bars Acupressure Amma massage Ashiatsu massage Ayurvedic Massage B Baby/Child massage Baby thalassotherapy Belly massage Biocorporel massage Bowen C Californian massage Chair massage Chinese massage Craniosacral therapy Cupping D Deep Flow Deep Tissue Massage for disabled children Massage for disabled person E Massage for the elderly End of life massage F Fasciatherapy Fibromyalgia massage G H Hands/foots/head massage Head/face/neck massage J K L Lymphatic drainage Lomi Lomi massage (Hawaiian) M Momentum Massage Myofascial Approach Myofascial rebalancing Myofascial release N Neuromuscular massage Neurosensory massage O P Massage in palliative care Polarity Massage for pregnant women (prenatal) R S Scar tissue massage Shiatsu massage Specific massage Sports Massage Stone massage Swedish massage T Taping Tension Relief Thai massage Therapeutic massage Trigger Points Tuina Massage